Raita, a yogurt concoction from India is salad, relish, dip and side dish in one. It is often served with Indian food to cut the heat of the spicy dishes. There are an infinite number of variations of this dish with different vegetables and spices. Cumin Coriandre
Cucumber Raita
Prep time:
Temps total:
Serves: 6-8
- 2 cups plain low fat yogurt
- 1 English cucumber, peeled, seeded chopped fine or coarsely grated
- 2 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro leaves
- 1 à thé de cumin moulu
- Le poivre noir et le sel au goût
- Placez le yaourt dans un plat et fouetter jusqu'à consistance lisse
- Ajouter le concombre, la menthe et la coriandre et bien mélanger.
- Garnir avec le cumin et le poivre noir